Gimmel Tamuz Dinner & Guest Speaker
Marking the 30th Yahrtziet of the Lubavitcher Rebbe of Blessed Memory
RSVP Below
Sunday evening, July 7, 6:30pm
At Chabad Jewish Center of Tamarac - 8100 N. University Dr
Guest Speaker: Rabbi Yosef Wilhelm
"Foundational Truths - Atomic Ideas, That Make Global Impact"
Full Dinner Buffet
Rabbi Yosef Wilhelm, one of the world leaders in Chabad's young professional program (CYP). Rabbi Yaya, along with his wife Devorah, are hugely popular in Manhattan's Upper East Side, where they draw hundreds of young men and women, on a weekly basis, to participate in Shabbos, Torah classes and other Jewish activities.
Known as the Rabbi of the largest Young Jewish professional congregation in the world
Rabbi Wilhelm resides in Manhattan with his Rebbetzin, Devorah and their family.